Need a little extra help paying off your credit card or student loans, spoiling the family for Christmas, or taking a winter vacation?
Whatever the situation is, buying a Bedrock Home puts cash back in YOUR pocket!
It’s our way of recognizing your commitment to Bedrock Homes as your builder of choice. Earn $3,500 cash when you purchase a new duplex or laned home, OR $5,000 for a front attached garage home.
LEARN MORENo Worries! That’s right — no down payment is required. We are here to make the new home buying process as simple as possible!
Learn MoreDo you know of someone that you think would fall head over heels for a Bedrock Home? Help them take one step closer to the home of their dreams with a referral!
LEARN MOREOur Homeowners can enjoy an exclusive offer with TELUS for Internet and TV services.